Crusty Quinns

  A Ride Report - that wot happened...
The RTRA took my baby away!
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Date 11/May/08
4 Riders Dave, jamie, JayBo, orry
Rider of the day Dave
Stack of the day Not awarded

players-dave, jamie, jaybo, orry

rotd- dave (3rd in class at first enduro)

Back from Widgiemooltha. Another tough Kal event!! I hope they keep putting these rounds on as we just don't get the type of challenge here that they manage to mark out over there. Once again there were a fair few DNF's, a few punctures and at the end of day two, when everything was pretty much packed up, a lone bike was still parked in Parc Ferme. No-one knows where the rider got to after day one. I met a couple of new (to me) CQ'ers and caught up with a couple of others, which was good. I hope you all had a good weekend and can look back, after the pain has eased and the blisters have calloused, at the challenge with some satisfaction. That's about as tough as it gets as far as WA enduro's goes. Actually this 2-day enduro is tougher than the entire Aussie 4-day enduro, so take some heart from that. If you made it through without losing trail time, give yourself a pat on the back!

loved those hills and creeks at widgie, Con and his crew done a top notch job of giving us 5 different tracks over the 6 awesome loops they had.
both dave and i finnished but lost trail time at the second last special test due to a backup off riders there, but we were there for the ride mainly so no skin off our noses.
jaybo widgie was a breaze compared to getting out of bed this morning to wash the bike, rrrrr im stiff and thats not what the wife thought i meant sadly

orry - yep, I'll agree with the "getting out of bed this morning" comment. Very painful! Luckily I don't have to be at work until 2pm so will be slow moving all moving. That second loop on Sunday was a cracker eh! That creek bed was experts only in the other direction last year and I reckon it was harder this year in this direction! I came in with 1.5 min's to spare. Poured some fuel in, grabbed my drink container and went through the check on my minute. Told the guy at the check that I would leave my drink container just past the green flags after emptying it into my drink bladder, if he could bring it back to the check for me to pick up later.

Kal was a cracker! A 'real' enduro by all means! I ended up on the town in Kal on Sat night which sounds bad, but i ended up walking for around 50mins which paid dividends on Day 2. I was fresh as a daisy, not stiff at all, so i had a really good ride on Sunday and came in Loop2 with 8 mins up my sleve!

Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13