Crusty Quinns

  A Ride Report - that wot happened...
The RTRA took my baby away!
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RTRA West Coast Trailbike Safaris Tour
Date 23/Nov/09
8 Riders brett, Fiona, Georgina, Jack, Pretz, Staino, Tania, X
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day Not awarded
Fionas report.

18 riders turned up for a 2 day trip out to Manjimup and back. The conditions were perfect as everyone set off for some open, flowing trails to lunch where we were spoilt with some very yummy continental rolls followed by cake. After having two red bulls for breakfast, I was starving!

We rode some wicked trails in the pines, one section was just amazing, and I was keen to just keep riding that area over and over again.

After a mid arvo fuel break we headed into the tall timbers towards Manjimup, the trails were mint and the scenery in some spots was breathtaking. And then we were blessed with rain, which slowed a few up on some slippery downhill sections, but Gavin and Staino made sure everyone got through safely. .

Saturday night was spent at the Manjimup hotel, where we all enjoyed a cold beer and a good feed. It rained most of the evening but we woke up to a bright sunny sky and the crew were ready to roll. Unfortunately, Darin had decided he didnt want to continue on after hurting his knee. Down to 17 we headed off from Manjimup into some nice tight single trail, within some dense scrub. This was one of those tracks that you were glad to be short and on a small bike! The single trail kept flowing and at one stage I thought Brett must have forgotten where his accelerator was as I caught up to him on a really fast section putting along, I really wanted to stir him up but didnt have the heart to beep my horn at him!! ;-)

Tanya managed to have a vine come out, wrap itself around her neck and nearly pull her off the bike, lucky she held on and her and the husky showed that vine who was boss!

A short stop for refuel and morning tea where we lost another rider due to fatigue, with 16 remaining we headed over towards the Blackwood Valley. We then arrived at an optional rocky hill climb. Staino, Jack and Gavin (sweep rider) smoked their bergs up the hill like they were riding on the flat.

After a few had some fun on the hill climb it was off to the Nannup Hotel for lunch. The sun was quite warm by now and the prospect of cold beer, shady table and chairs, and perhaps a siesta on the grass was very tempting!
As we all tried to digest lunch, Staino mixed it up with some more fast flowing trails and tight single trails.

I was lucky enough to get a ride on both the 450 and 390 bergs over the weekend, had heaps of fun on both bikes although the 450 was a bit more demanding in the upper body, need to do some more push ups I think! Now I just need to win lotto so I can keep the 200 and buy a four stroke for the longer faster rides ;-)

Funniest Moment of the Weekend At the last creek crossing, Staino goes through with a few other riders, and then one of the guys comes through on his Yamaha, somehow he decides to do a 90 degree turn mid stream and ends up facing downstream in the mud. Staino goes over to give him a hand and just as Staino is pushing the yammie out of the mud, Gav rides behind him through the creek, Staino sees the opportunity, grabs a fist full of throttle and completely fills Gavin in with sloppy brown mud, of similar consistency to dog poo!
It was a classic, and hopefully someone caught it on camera.

ROTD Without a doubt, goes to Pretz, Staino and Georgina for calling a late November ride and pulling it off with RAIN, CREEK CROSSINGS and MUD!!

Well done to RTRA and WCS for providing members with a 10% discount, the 10% I saved will be going towards the speeding fine I got on my way home.oopps!

SOTD Any suggestions? There wasnt any carnage that I know of.
And no I dont want to discuss my 2 failed attempts (or should I say piss weak attempts) at that rocky hill climb!

RTRA / West Coast Safaris Manjimup Ride. Tania tackles a log.

RTRA / West Coast Safaris Manjimup Ride

Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13