Crusty Quinns

  A Ride Report - that wot happened...
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It's raining KTM
Date 22/Sep/12
7 Riders Fudge, Jeff 400, mick450, Pounce, Tiny, WR Ross, wr steve
Rider of the day mick450
Stack of the day mick450
Mick killed everyone...again

Wow!!!! Thanks to everyone for a fantastic ride. There were six riders who were, Mick, WR Steve, WR Ross, Pounce, Jeff, Fudge (soon to be renamed Nudge after a little mishap with Pounce on a corner!!!!) and myself. Here is the report. Let's call it raining KTM's!!!! The started bright and early with a 7.30am meet. We drove to the start point, got geared up and set off for the first part of what was to be an awesome ride. The plan was to do a sixty km loop to Toodjay, covering just about all you can on a dirt bike. Including hills, mud, rivers (which I did end up lying in, love the photos pounce)!! and single tracks. Once we reached Toodjay we fueled up, filled our tummies and checked out the local talent in their white socks and track pants!!! Haha!!!! We then left Toodjay along the side of a railway, we went through a couple of tunnels and numerous river crossinggs and up and down more hills. I think just about everyone had an 'off' at some point with micks flying KTM taking wings towars Jeff at the bottom of the hill being one of the more memorable things!! We then headed back to our cars which completed out one hundred km loop back. 160 Km's total for this ride. Thank you for everyone taking turns at sweep and a big thanks to mick for showing us the way!!! Cheers, see you soon, Tiny.



























Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13