Crusty Quinns

  A Ride Report - that wot happened...
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Finke practice run
Date 12/Sep/15
3 Riders JB, JNR, Nathan
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day Not awarded
The weekend was to come and JNR decided to call an OVT ride. The usual texting went on the day before trying to organise the run.

JNR had left his GPS on his KTM, so we were relying purley on Nathans local knowedge of the area.

JB was on his Husky (new version) which is basically a KTM with different suspension. I got to say he has improved a lot since the last ride we were on. His suspension was touched up by Joondalup Motorcycles.

JNR was going well on the 250x Honda despite the heavy sand. He was not afraid to wring its neck.

Nathan was feeling more at home with new suspesnsion and wheels on the 530 and reackons Finke is a goer next year!.

Good to see Paul rock up for a beveridge at the OVT. Once again we drank like fish but unfortunately ran out of time for a curry. Oh well maybe next time...




Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13